What makes a good detective novel?
Believable characters first, a good story, an understanding of how to pacedramatic action. I like commitment by a writer, to the form, to the story —there are lots of slick writers of crime fiction who aren't writing out ofpassion, but for the market. They write good English sentences, but for me, thelack of commitment makes them uninteresting.
Of the books you've written, which is your favorite?
My books all have different strengths and weaknesses, but if I had tochoose, I'd pick "Hardball." It's very personal because the back story is in thecivil rights movement in Chicago in the 1960s. That's when I first came here,working as a volunteer on the city's extremely turbulent South Side.
You earned a Ph.D. in history from the University of Chicago. Do you stillenjoy reading history? Who are your favorite historians to read?
Richard Hofstadter was a great stylist; 2014 marks the 50th anniversary ofhis "Paranoid Style in American Politics," which is as insightful a dissectionof our country today as it was when he first published it. My dissertation dealtwith the 19th-century roots of fundamentalism in America. I read a fair amountof natural history as background — Darwin, some of the early geologists, a lotof the moral philosophers. I still like to read natural history — Neil Shubin's"Your Inner Fish" is also on my night stand.
What do you like to read when you travel?
Partway through "Wolf Hall" I went to England on tour. I carried that big,fat book across the Atlantic, couldn't wait to finish my events so I could goback to it — I'd read until I couldn't keep my eyes open.
What do you like reading right before bed?
Short stories, mostly. Joan Wickersham's "The News From Spain" and JaanKross's "The Conspiracy" are two that I've just finished. I have insomnia, andsometimes at 3 in the morning, I read from "The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon," ajournal kept by a woman at the 11th-century Japanese imperial court, and thenwrite in my own journal in her style: Seven Things That Bring Me Pleasure; EightThings Over Which I Have No Control.
What kind of reader were you as a child?