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  Time is your greatest enemy

  Written by Rad Danesh

  To succeed on the IELTS, you must use your time wisely. Many students donot finish at least one module. The table below shows the time challenge you arefaced with:

  ModuleTotal timeQuestionsTime for each question Listening 30 min 40 .75 minReading 60 min 40 .67 min Writing 60 min 2 30 min Speaking 11-14 min N/A N/A

  As you can see, the time constraints are brutal. To succeed, you mustration your time properly. The reason that time is so critical is that everyquestion counts the same toward your final score. If you run out of time on anypassage, the questions that you do not answer will hurt your score far more thanearlier questions that you spent extra time on and feel certain are correct.

  On the Reading Module, the test is separated into passages. The reason thattime is so critical is that 1) every question counts the same toward your finalscore, and 2) the passages are not in order of difficulty. If you have to rushduring the last passage, then you will miss out on answering easier questionscorrectly. It is natural to want to pause and figure out the hardest questions,but you must resist the temptation and move quickly.

  Pace Yourself

  Wear a watch to the IELTS Test. At the beginning of the test, check thetime (or start a chronometer on your watch to count the minutes), and check thetime after each passage or every few questions to make sure you are “onschedule.” Remember that on the Listening and Reading Modules you have a littleover half a minute for each question. If you can work quickly, you can paceyourself at half a minute per question, which makes it easy to keep track ofyour time. If you find that you are falling behind time during the test, youmust speed up. Even though a rushed answer is more likely to be incorrect, it isbetter to miss a couple of questions by being rushed, than to completely misslater questions by not having enough time. It is better to end with more timethan you need than to run out of time.
