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  Dear Esol,
  I am an IELTS teacher in China. Here I have a question regarding IELTS Listening. Many students are confused about the capital letter in Listening Test. When is it necessary to capitalize the first letter?
  What is the safest way to deal with this "capital letter" problem? Say if we put the answer all in block letters, is it acceptable? Will the student be punished simply because he does not capitalize the initial letter?
  I have checked the Past Sample Papers like Cambridge IELTS 4,5 & 6 and I found some answers which are in capital letters hard to explain. So please help clarify this question and I believe it is a very common question to Chinese students.
  Thanks and best regards.
  You Wenfeng
  Thank you for contacting Cambridge ESOL. Please find below an update to your call:
  Original Call Description:
  IELTS Listening - use of capital letters
  Logged on: 18/05/2009 at 16:20:19
  Dear You Wenfeng,
  Thank you for your enquiry. In IELTS listening candidates are allowed to write their answers in upper or lower case.
  I hope that this is of assistance.
  Kind Regards
  Elizabeth Jones
  ESOL Helpdesk
  Cambridge ESOL Customer Services
  所谓的 In IELTS listening candidates are allowed to write their answers in upper or lower case意思就是说大小写都行。其实,可以看得出来,雅思官方改卷时还是很机动灵活的,不像一些老师所说的那么死板。当然,我建议烤鸭们该首字母大写的尽量还是应该大写,不过没必要因为大小写问题给自己太大的压力。