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  报考2011年7月16日北京市教育考试指导中心IELTS考试的所有考生的口语考试安排在7月18日(星期一),口试场地仍为北京市教育考试指导中心1号楼。请提前两个工作日上网查询您的口试时间,并准时参加考试。对于由此造成的不便,我们深表歉意。如果您有任何疑问,请致电IELTS全国呼叫中心010-6279 8811。 祝您考试顺利!

Monday Interviewing in Beijing Education Examinations Instructive Centre
– July 18th, 2011

  The interview time for all candidates registered for the Jul 16th 2011 test in Beijing Education Examinations Instructive Centre will be arranged for Monday (Jul 18th 2011), and the venue remains to be the No.1 Building of Beijing Education Examinations Instructive Centre.Please check your interview time on the registration website 2 working days prior to the test.
  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Should you have any queries, please contact the IELTS National Call Centre at 010-62798811. Good Luck!