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凯特.摩丝当选最佳穿着女星 布兰妮最差


British supermodel Kate Moss has regained her crown at the top of Glamour magazine's annual best-dressed women list, replacing 2007 winner Kylie Minogue who slumped to 19th this year.

Moss, 34, dominated the list before the Australian pop star overtook her, but Minogue's fashion choices during the past 12 months have been too "outlandish" for many voters' tastes, a spokesman for the magazine said.

Behind Moss was British actress Sienna Miller in second place, followed by US actresses Scarlett Johansson, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Aniston in third, fourth and fifth places respectively.

"Kate's back with a vengeance," said Jo Elvin, editor of Glamour. "Her maverick approach to fashion is an inspiration and shows us all how to be a little more daring and experimental."

Minogue's slide was partly blamed on her appearance on television talent show the X Factor wearing a figure-hugging lace catsuit.

Topping the worst-dressed list in Glamour this year was US singer Britney Spears. Former Spice Girl Victoria Beckham was voted ninth worst-dressed of 2008, but also came 10th in the best-dressed list.





米洛排名下滑一部分得归咎于她亮相《X Factor》选秀节目时的装扮,当时她穿了一件花边紧身连衣裤。
