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Prince Charles has beaten off competition from US President Barack Obama to be named the world's best dressed man by Esquire magazine.

"He is perfectly turned out in a double-breasted suit. Admirably, the prince keeps his wardrobe in appropriate style: we're told he has a room laid out like a tailor's shop," the men's magazine said.

Prince Charles, 60, keeps it simple and has worn suits by Saville Row tailors Gieves and Hawkes, complete with pocket handkerchief and silk tie, for years. Esquire said he was "always incredibly well dressed".

The prince, who is heir to the British throne, beat off competition from Obama -- who came fourth in the top ten -- artist David Hockney (seventh), tennis player Roger Federer (eighth) and US rapper Andre 3000 (tenth).

Prime Minister Gordon Brown, however, was named one of the worst dressed, with the magazine noting he had once "turned up in the Iraqi desert wearing black lace-ups".

London Mayor Boris Johnson -- renowned for his slightly chaotic appearance -- was also criticised for having "jacket pockets like second-hand bookshops, and hair the result of an encounter with a ghost in a wind tunnel".



今年60岁的查尔斯王储一直保持着简单的着装风格,多年来,他的西服都由(位于伦敦)Saville Row高档制衣街的Gieves & Hawks裁缝店制作,还有手帕、丝质领带等全套配饰。《先生》杂志评价说查尔斯的“穿着总是惊人的考究”。

在十大最佳穿着男士榜上,这位英国王位继承人击败奥巴马(第四位)、艺术家大卫.霍克尼(第七位)、网球名将罗格.费德勒(第八位)和美国说唱歌手 Andre 3000(第十位),拔得头筹。




double-breasted suit:双排扣西装