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日本官员学喜剧 练沟通技巧


Japan's bureaucrats may have little to laugh about these days, given opposition charges of misspent tax money, but that has not stopped one ministry offering its officials a unique form of training -- as stand-up comics.

More than 100 transport ministry officials in their 20s got tips this week from professional comedians as part of training in communication skills.

"By experiencing comedy routines, we hope they can learn more about how to speak to clients and how to manage their staff as they begin to have more management responsibility," said Atsuya Kawada, deputy director of the ministry's personnel division.

The training coincides with attacks by the main opposition Democratic Party, eyeing victory in a looming election, on what the party calls wasteful public spending due to decades of policy collusion between bureaucrats and ruling party lawmakers.

Kawada said the approach was better than just listening to lectures for young officials, who are often tired from long working hours.

"We also hope this training will soften the stiff image of bureaucrats," he added.



该政府部门人事处副主任Atsuya Kawada说:“由于官员们的管理责任越来越重,我们希望可以通过体验喜剧形式,使他们学会更多与客户交谈以及管理下属的技巧。”





stand-up comic:Stand-up comedy is a style of comedy where the performer speaks directly to the audience, with the absence of the theatrical "fourth wall". A person who performs stand-up comedy is known as a stand-up comic, performed by a single comedian, with the aid of a hand-held microphone.(站在没有任何布景和道具的舞台上讲笑话,通常由单人表演,类似于中国的“单口相声”,在日本被称为“落语”。)
