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In deciding whether to come out at work, what are the most important considerations?
在决定是否在办公室公开性取向的时候,什么考虑因素是最重要的? 让你少奋斗八年的工作经验

First, make sure it's a safe thing for you to do. 'Assess anti-gay sentiment at your workplace beforehand,' says Dr. Mustanski, assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago. 'You don't want to be the victim of violence.' The Human Rights Campaign Web site is an excellent resource to evaluate whether your organization is LGBT-friendly.
首先,确保你这么做是安全的。芝加哥伊利诺伊大学精神病学助理教授穆斯坦斯基说,你需要事先评估下你的工作场所对同性恋的抵触态度。你不想成为暴力的受害者。人权运动组织(Human Rights Campaign)网站是你评估你的组织是否对LGBT人群宽容的最好资源。

Your next step is to choose who you want to tell and the most suitable way to bring up the subject with those people. 'Social practices vary by office, so use heterosexual relationships as a benchmark,' suggests Dr. Mustanski. 'How do non-LGBT people discuss their personal matters? Can you just work it into the conversation? You do want to practice how to respond to inappropriate questions, and be prepared that some co-workers may be hurt that you didn't confide in them sooner.'

Finally, make sure you're ready. Don't allow yourself to feel pressured, because once you do it, there's no going back. It has to be the right time for you, and it has to be something that's going to make your day easier.