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谷歌庆祝11岁生日 图标Google成Googlle


Google has released a special misspelt version of its logo – apparently to mark 11 years since the company was founded.

The search giant's name appeared with an extra letter "l" on its home page on Sunday, a change that did not escape the notice of the internet.

Within hours of the new logo going live, "why is google spelt wrong" and "why does google have two ls" were two of the most popular search phrases on the web.

Google was formed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin 11 years ago this month – in September 1998 – and the company has in the past altered its doodle to celebrate its own anniversaries.

For its tenth birthday last year the first letter "o" in Google was replaced with a cupcake.

Google has always used its logo as a way of commemorating important historical dates and major world events, but has become increasingly playful in recent weeks.

Last week Google put paid to speculation about the meaning of three "unexplained phenomena" doodles by admitting that they were designed to commemorate the 143rd birthday of the novelist HG Wells.

The first mysterious Google doodle appeared on September 5, and showed a flying saucer hovering over the Google logo and "abducting" the letter "O".

On September 15, a second Google doodle appeared, showing a flying saucer hovering over a field. The Google logo was spelt out as series of crop circles, and clicking on the doodle produced a list of web pages related to crop circles.

The third doodle, on September 21, featured a scene from Wells's book War of the Worlds.













put paid to: to consider something closed or completed <英口> 了结,结束(They have put paid to their quarrel. 他们已结束争吵。)

H.G.Wells: 全名Herbert George Wells,赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(1866-1946),英国著名小说家,尤以科幻小说创作闻名于世。1895年出版《时间机器》一举成名,随后又发表了《莫洛博士岛》、《隐身人》、《星际战争》等多部科幻小说。他还是一位社会改革家和预言家,撰写了《世界史纲》等大量关注现实、思考未来的作品。

crop circle: a pattern made up of ring shapes formed by the unexplained flattening of cereals growing in a field 麦田圈