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Tokyo train operators alarmed at a rise in station suicides have bathed the city's platforms in blue light in a bid to calm passengers.

East Japan Railway Co. has spent £100,000 fitting out all 29 stations on the capital's central train loop, the Yamanote Line, with the strong bulbs.

The operators believe they will emit a soothing glow, despite the absence of any scientific proof that the method reduces suicides.

Mizuki Takahashi, a therapist involved with the project, said: "We associate the colour with the sky and the sea.

"It has a calming effect on agitated people, or people obsessed with one particular thing, which in this case is committing suicide."

A total of 68 people threw themselves in front of trains in the 12 months until March, up from 42 in the same period the year before.

Suicide rates across the country have risen amid economic strife.

The lights will be hung at the end of each platform, a spot where people are most likely to jump to their deaths.

Shinji Hira, a psychology professor, said while the blue lights could make people pause and reflect, the railways were better off following Tokyo's underground network in installing fences on its platforms.

East Japan Railway said the funds for such a project on the Yamanote Line - used by up to eight million passengers each day - would not be available until at least 2017.












fit out: to equip; supply with necessary or new equipment, clothes, etc. 配备(The kitchen is very well fitted out. 这间厨房设备齐全。)

better off: in a better or more prosperous condition 境况好起来(Since my husband was made the manager, we are better off. 自从我的丈夫被任命为经理以来,我们的境况好转了。)