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"欧洲百万"开奖 英两幸运儿平分1亿大奖


The two winners who yesterday claimed their half of the £90 million Euromillions jackpot will instantly become as wealthy as Cliff Richard, Jamie Oliver, Jenson Button and Sir Michael Caine.

The pair of ticketholders will receive more than £45.5 million each when their tickets have been fully validated.

The win is so big that it could earn them around £2 million per year in interest payments alone.

But the identities of the pair will not be released until the prizes have been paid out, according to the National Lottery.

"We are looking forward to welcoming these ticketholders to our millionaires' club which is already 2,300 strong," a spokesman said.

The winning numbers were 11, 19, 34, 43 and 45. The Lucky Star numbers were 5 and 9.

Sunday Times Rich List compiler Philip Beresford said this would be the first time a British lottery winner had appeared in the list.

He told the reporters: "It's extraordinary that in the years we've had the Lottery we haven't had anyone at this level."

Mr Beresford said the winners would be best advised to keep quiet about their good fortune - and try to get themselves sacked from their jobs so as not to rouse suspicion.

He said: "If they've got any sense they'll keep very, very quiet about it or go and live in Monaco, where they can afford to, where they'll just be one of 1,000-odd millionaires."

As for leaving their jobs he said: "You've got to plan it very carefully and do it over the months. Get yourself sacked, that would be the best way."













jackpot: a top prize or reward 头奖,头彩

Cliff Richard: 克利夫.理查德,英国流行音乐史上最受欢迎和演艺生涯最长的艺人之一,有英国猫王和金童子的美称。在英国,他有八十多首歌曲进榜的纪录,其中十首是冠军曲。1995年,因为音乐上的成就而受勋成为骑士。

Jamie Oliver: 杰米.奥利弗,英国知名厨师。他因擅长使用有机食材,以及帮助改变英国学校中的饮食习惯而为人熟悉。现任欧洲华人餐饮协会荣誉主席。

Jenson Button: 简森.巴顿,F1赛车手,2009年获得车手年度总冠军。

Michael Caine: 迈克尔.凯恩,六十年代末期和七十年代初期世界影坛的风云人物,在1993年因在英国影坛的杰出表现而被授予爵位头衔。

strong: having a specified number of units or members (兵员、人数)多达……的(She lives in a ten thousand strong Chinese community. 她住在一个足有一万人的华人社区。)

sack: to discharge from employment 开除;解雇(One of the workmen was sacked for drunkenness. 一个工人因酗酒被解雇。)