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London's skyline has been recreated using fruit as part of a promotional campaign.

Carl Warner and a team of five model makers spent three weeks crafting the scene using hundreds of pieces of fruit and veg - all painstakingly glued together.

The Houses of Parliament are built from a mix of asparagus, green beans and runner beans which are mixed with baby sweetcorn to depict the intricate stonework.

The Gherkin, found in the Square mile, is cunningly crafted out of two types of melon and embedded with green beans to highlight its renowned spiralling glass frames.

While Nelson's Column is cleverly constructed from a cucumber, baby courgettes and a carrot with a monkey nut and almond stuck on to it.

Other high profile London landmarks given a makeover include The London Eye which has green beans as spokes and its pods made out of baby plum tomatoes.

It even features the Thames-side lampposts which are made from onions wrapped in vanilla pods for the lamps, asparagus for the posts and mackerel for the ornate fishplinths.

The spire on St Paul's Cathedral, has been given a fruity new look, after the spire was created from roundels of carrot, yellow and green courgette and baby leeks.

The famous dome designed by Christopher Wren in the 17th century, has been made using a melon, while the impressive columns have been crafted out of baby sweetcorn.

Roopa Gulati from the Good Food channel, the company who commissioned the work, said the image represents how fruit and vegatables can be used imaginatively in the diet.

He said ''This stunning image has quite literally transformed the London skyline with good food proves that fun with food in a creative and light-hearted way is the way forward''.














Square mile:伦敦金融城,常用来描述伦敦的金融机构。在口语里,伦敦当地人也习惯称伦敦为square mile。

spiralling:a shape which winds round and round, with each curve above or outside the previous one(螺旋)

high profile:著名的

ornate:elaborately, heavily, and often excessively ornamented(华丽的,绚丽的)

light-hearted:free from grief or anxiety; gay; cheerful; merry(轻松的,无忧无虑的)