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More than a quarter of British women believe fitting into an old pair of jeans again would feel better than sex, according to research.

More than a third (35 per cent) of those surveyed admitted owning a pair of "trophy" jeans they used to fit into and kept in the hope they would slim down enough to wear.

Asked how managing to put them back on would feel, 29.1 per cent said it would be better than sex, 28.9 per cent thought it would beat a promotion, 20.6 per cent believed it would top a best friend's wedding, 20.3 per cent said it would feel better than a lottery win and 11.1 per cent thought it would beat a marriage proposal.

The poll by cereal brand Special K also revealed that 30 per cent of women fantasised more about slimming back into their "trophy" jeans than about Hollywood heartthrobs such as George Clooney or Brad Pitt.

The survey showed that on average women own five pairs of jeans, with 10 per cent of women claiming their jeans have outlasted their longest relationship.

Laura Bryant, from Special K, said: "Women hold a deep attachment to that one pair of jeans which they know they look and feel great in.

"They use them as a benchmark and a great motivational tool when slimming and it doesn't matter how old the pair is.

"This research shows the sense of euphoria and the endorphin rush women get when they achieve their goal of fitting back into that one special pair of jeans is even better or on a par with some of the other great pleasures in life."



此外,这一由Special K麦片品牌开展的民意调查显示, 30%的女人对于身材变苗条,重新穿上昔日牛仔裤的渴望超过乔治.克鲁尼或布拉德.皮特这样的好莱坞“万人迷”。


Special K的劳拉.布莱恩特说:“女性对于那条象征着她们昔日美丽和让她们感觉到自信的牛仔裤有着很深的感情。




trophy: a memento, as of one's personal achievements 个人成就的纪念

heartthrob: an object of infatuation 迷恋的对象

benchmark: a standard by which something can be measured or judged 基准

euphoria: a feeling of great happiness or well-being 极大的精神愉悦感

endorphin: any of a class of polypeptides, including enkephalin, occurring naturally in the brain, that bind to pain receptors and so block pain sensation 脑内啡(脑分泌的具有镇痛作用的氨基酸)。上文中指大脑会分泌脑内啡,使人感到舒适安定。

on a par with: at the same level as someone or something 与……同等