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威廉王子出访新澳 大受欢迎


Prince William charmed sick children in New Zealand's capital Tuesday at the end of his first official visit representing his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II.

The 27-year-old second in line to the throne flew out of Wellington Tuesday morning bound for Sydney for a three-day unofficial visit to Australia.

Prince William first visited the children's wards at Wellington Hospital, saying afterwards he had enjoyed the experience.

"Seeing kids smile means a lot to me," he told reporters.

Twelve-year-old Ethan Fagaloafa-Time, in hospital with a heart condition, said the prince was good company.

"I thought he'd be a bit up himself," he said. He added that the prince's accent was "pretty funny" and sounded "posh".

The prince proved a popular royal envoy on his visit to New Zealand, meeting All Blacks rugby players and sailing an America's Cup yacht in Auckland Harbour after arriving on Sunday.

After William opened a new Supreme Court Building in Wellington on Monday on behalf of the Queen -- New Zealand's head of state -- he went on a walkabout, shaking hands and chatting with some of up to 4,000 people gathered to see him.

A man working for a radio station breached security Monday night to sneak into a barbecue for William at Prime Minister John Key's official residence in Wellington, police said.

The 19-year-old man, who said he climbed over a fence into the residence as a prank, was stopped by police and questioned about half an hour before the prince arrived at the barbecue.





12岁的心脏病患儿Ethan Fagaloafa-Time称,王子是个好伙伴。







bound for:going or intending to go; on the way to(驶往)

be good company: 是有趣的伙伴

up:cheerful or optimistic; high-spirited; happy; exuberant; upbeat(高兴,激动)

posh:smart, elegant or fashionable(优雅的,上等阶级的)

prank:a trick of an amusing, playful, or sometimes malicious nature(开玩笑,恶作剧)