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巴西妓女借热世界杯 推出色情T恤


Prostitutes in Rio de Janeiro Wednesday adopted World Cup fever, launching a range of green-and-gold t-shirts emblazoned with raunchy football phrases.

"Eu jogo pelada" read one of the Portuguese-language slogans, playing on a phrase that means both "I play naked" and "I play football".

"Put it in, Selecao!" went another exhortation to the Brazil side.

In a further bit of innuendo, the numbers on the backs of the t-shirts were all 69.

Each of the t-shirts were selling for 17 dollars -- "or half of what I get for turning a trick in the Rio suburb where I work," one of the prostitute-models showing off the attire, Gerenilza Marinho, 56, explained to the Folha de Sao Paulo daily.

She and fellow sex workers were to parade the novelty t-shirts in a Rio fashion show later Wednesday.

Money raised was to go to Daspu, an association fighting against discrimination of prostitutes and for alternative revenues for older sex workers.


其中一件T恤衫上的标语用葡萄牙语写道“Eu jogo pelada”,这个标语一语双关,既可理解为“裸奔”,也可表示“踢足球”。







raunchy:sexually explicit(淫秽的,下流的)

play on (words): a word or turn of phrase with a double meaning, a pun or other humorous use of language(双关语,语带双关)


side:one of two or more opposing individuals, groups, teams, or sets of opinions(运动队,球队)

innuendo:an indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation(暗讽,影射的话)

turn a trick:(of a prostitute) to engage in a sexual act with a customer(接客卖淫)