克林顿爱女大婚在即 小镇喜气洋洋
Never mind that the details about Chelsea Clinton's wedding are being guarded like state secrets. The postcard-pretty town of Rhinebeck is ready for its close-up.
The former first daughter and her parents have not even confirmed that her wedding is being held in Rhinebeck. Still, signs congratulating her hang in shop windows, residents are talking to TV crews and officials are bracing for crowds.
Clinton, 30, will wed investment banker Marc Mezvinsky on Saturday, and this little Hudson Valley town of upscale boutiques and pricey homes north of New York City is expecting an influx of A-List guests, reporters and rubber-neckers.

"I think this will put us on the map in an entirely different way," said Ira Gutner, owner of Samuel's coffee shop, which featured a sign in the window congratulating the Methodist bride and Jewish groom with "Mazel Tov, Chelsea and Marc."
"People will say, 'Oh, let's go to Rhinebeck, Chelsea Clinton got married there.' ... We'll forever be known for this," he said.
It's all but certain that the couple will wed Saturday evening at Astor Courts, a secluded estate along the Hudson River built as a Beaux Arts style playground for John Jacob Astor IV more than a century ago. The estate features the sort of commanding view that once inspired Hudson River School painters, as well as 50 acres of buffer space to shield the party from prying eyes.
The spot is a bit more than an hour north of Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton's home in suburban Chappaqua and about 90 miles north of New York City.
塞缪尔咖啡店的老板艾拉.嘉特纳在店铺橱窗里贴上了祝贺身为卫理公会派教徒的新娘和犹太教新郎的标语:“恭喜(Mazel Tov;犹太语)!切尔西和马克!”。他说:“这场婚礼会一种完全不同的方式让我们小镇出名。”
A-List: a group of desirable or admired people who are welcomed esp. in social and professional situations(一流的,最出名的)
rubber-necker: an extremely curious person(好围观的人,好奇者)
put on the map: to bring into the public eye; make known, famous, or prominent(使出名,使有重要性)
Mazel Tov: 恭喜,犹太人之间所用的话语
Beaux Arts style: 法国美术学院派风格,或称美术风格、布杂风格
commanding view: 一览无余,俯视,俯瞰
buffer space: 缓冲地带,间隔
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