英国人全欧洲最胖 1/4国民是胖子
It's official - Britons are the fattest people in Europe, a report found today.
It appears that we have enjoyed one takeaway meal too many with a quarter of adults in the UK now termed as obese.
Ireland is a close second at 23 per cent, while Malta, Iceland and Luxembourg bring up the rear in the overweight stakes.
At the svelte end of the scale are the Italians, with only one in 10 termed as obese. The figure is also a low 11 per cent in Holland and France.
The study, from the European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), examined the health of people in 31 countries, including the 27 European Union member states.

Surprisingly British adults were not the biggest drinkers in Europe, consuming 19 pints of pure alcohol every year, which is the same as the EU average.
This is more than Germany, Greece and Italy but less than France who guzzle a whopping 22 pints and Spain who drink 20 pints.
However, among 15-year-olds, 40 per cent of those in the UK report having been drunk at least twice in their lifetime.
The EU average was 30 per cent of girls and 38 per cent of boys, with much lower rates in Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Italy, as well as Switzerland and France.
The report found that life expectancy was high in the UK (77.3 years for men and 81.4 for women) but lagged behind other countries when it came to number of years spent in good health, without physical limitation.
Among British men, the number of years spent in good health fell behind other countries including Malta, Greece, Holland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland.
Among women, the UK fell behind countries including Denmark, Malta, Greece, Iceland and Switzerland.
bring up the rear: to be at the back of a line of people, or last in a race (站在队尾;落在最后)
svelte: (of a person, especially a woman) thin in a graceful and attractive way (人,尤指女子)苗条的
guzzle: to drink something quickly and in large amounts(狂饮;猛喝;暴饮)
whopping: very big(巨大的;很大的)
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