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State media in Zimbabwe say six of the country's 10 provinces are facing severe food shortages because of drought and a slow bureaucratic response. The state-run Herald newspaper says a persistent dry spell throughout February and March has lowered crop expectations.

The paper says the government has ordered the agency in charge of grain to start distributing food.But Joseph Made, the minister for agriculture, mechanization and irrigation, accused the Grain Marketing Board of "holding onto" 270,000 metric tons of grain instead of distributing it to starving people.

The newspaper says it was unable to get a comment from the Grain Marketing Board but was informed that the agency has no money to transport the grain.

Zimbabwe has experienced a decade of chronic food shortages. President Robert Mugabe blames the problem on Western sanctions against him and his political allies. Critics of the president accuse him of wrecking the economy through the seizure of thousands of white-owned commercial farms. 



