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U.S. President Barack Obama will present his plans Wednesday to reduce the nation's massive deficit, which the White House says is threatening the U.S. economic recovery and prospects for growth.Mr. Obama has promised to tackle the deficit and the $14 trillion national debt, but has yet to unveil a complete strategy. 

Administration officials have suggested Mr. Obama may discuss reforming costly benefit programs for the elderly, the poor and retired Americans. There are also reports he may propose allowing existing tax breaks for families making more than $250,000 a year to expire, effectively raising tax rates to generate revenue. 

Republican House Speaker John Boehner has said any proposal to raise taxes would be "unacceptable" and a "non-starter" for budget negotiations. The president's proposal will further propel a debate with Republicans, who have their own ideas for slashing the deficit, by making deeper cuts to federal spending. The White House says the Republican plan unfairly targets the middle class. 

Mr. Obama is due to deliver his address at George Washington University in Washington. He is meeting with Congressional leaders ahead of the speech to discuss his plans.



美国国会众议院议长、共和党人贝纳说,任何加税的建议都是“不可接受的”,都“不能做为开始”预算谈判的内容。总统的提议将进一步引发与共和党人的辩论。共和党人主张通过更大幅度的削减联邦开支来大幅削减赤字。白宫说, 共和党的计划在不公平地针对美国中产阶级。
