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U.S. President Barack Obama travels to New York on Thursday to honor the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, days after U.S. forces killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Mr. Obama is scheduled to lay a wreath at the site of the destroyed World Trade Center buildings and meet privately with relatives of those killed in the 2001 al-Qaida attacks. 

The White House says the president is not expected to make public remarks.
Presidential spokesman Jay Carney said Wednesday Mr. Obama wants to meet with the families to share with them the important and significant, yet "bittersweet" moment following the death of bin Laden.

Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday pays tribute to the September 11 victims by laying a wreath at a memorial at the Pentagon. Mr. Obama on Friday will travel to Kentucky to honor soldiers at Fort Campbell who supported the Navy SEALs in their attack on bin Laden's compound early Monday in the Pakistani military garrison town of Abbottabad.