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“It is the story of people’s outrage and a passionate call for social justice," said Sidibe. "Over the past 30 years, AIDS has forged a social new compact between the global north and the south. And we mobilized uNPRecedented resources with your leadership and we managed to produce live-saving results for people.”


Sidibe said this has led to great achievements in the fight against AIDS. New infections are down worldwide by nearly 25 percent in the last 10 years. In Africa, where the majority of the 34 million people living with AIDS live, more people are receiving antiretroviral treatment early, when it can have the greatest live-saving impact.


Overall, Sidibe said, there are 56 countries - 36 of which are in Africa - that have stabilized the epidemic and reduced the number of new infections significantly. He pointed to great strides in South Africa, India and China.


But even as developing countries have made progress, he warned that the value of life is not the same across the world. Sidibe noted that 1.8 million people die of AIDS every year in developing countries, while in developed nations, AIDS has become a treatable, chronic disease.


He said that while there are 6.6 million people receiving treatment in low- and middle-income countries, another 9 million are still waiting for treatment. In the global north, a new generation is being born HIV-free, while each year 360,000 babies are born with HIV in the south.
