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Vietnamese officials say they are looking for a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for a couple who have been married for 82 years.
Huynh Van Lac, aged 110, and his wife Nguyen Thi Lanh, 106, have been married since 1933. The director of the Vietnam Records Book Center, said the couple broke the Vietnamese record for the longest recorded marriage last week.
The couple attribute their success to healthful living, positive thinking and avoiding quarrels. Their 71-year-old daughter, Huynh Thi Hoa, said her parents love each other and that her mother takes care of her father without any help.
The Vietnamese records director, Le Truong An, said his office is preparing paperwork about the couple to be submitted to the Guinness organization.
Guinness lists the 86-year marriage of Americans Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher as the world's longest, but Herbert Fisher died earlier this year.