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A Libyan revolutionary militia commander from the town of Zintan announced Saturday that Seif al-Islam Gadhafi, son of the late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, was captured alive in southern Libya, near the border of Niger and Algeria.


Shouts of Allahu Akbar, or God is Greatest, went up from the crowd at the press conference in Tripoli, after Zintan militia commander Beshir al Atrib announced that Seif al-Islam had been captured by fighters from Zintan's Abu Bakr Sidiq militia.


Al Atrib said the revolutionary fighters announced that Seif al-Islam was captured along with three aides, and that he hoped at this historic moment the future of Libya would be brighter. He said national unity will be everyone's goal and that the news of Seif al-Islam's capture in the southern part of the country will be momentous to all Libyans.


Al Atrib went on to tell journalists that Seif al-Islam was captured in the vicinity of the town of Obari in the southern Libyan desert, 170 kilometers south of the oasis town of Sabha.


Al Atrib added that Seif al-Islam's accomplices were trying to smuggle him out of the country. He said they were trying to smuggle Seif al-Islam into neighboring Niger and that former Libyan Intelligence Chief Abdallah Senoussi was not among those captured, according to initial reports.
