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The United States and South Korea have announced plans for large-scale joint military exercises next month, just weeks after North Korea's latest nuclear test raised regional tensions.

A statement issued by the Combined Forces Command on Thursday says the annual war drills will begin on March 1st with a month-long series of air, ground and naval exercises known as Foal Eagle. Separately, it announced a two-week, computer-based simulation called Key Resolve, which will begin on March 11th.

The allies' statement says the exercises are designed to enhance the security and readiness of South Korea and insists they are deterrent in nature. The North sees the drills as preparation to invade its territory.

Pyongyang has recently taken steps to demonstrate its own military power. It conducted its third and most powerful nuclear test yet on February 12th. In December, it successfully launched a satellite into space, in a move critics say was a disguised ballistic missile test.