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Burma has begun a new round of peace talks with Kachin rebels aimed at reaching a comprehensive cease-fire agreement in the northern state.

The United Nations special envoy for Burma, Vijay Nambiar, and several Chinese diplomats observed the meeting Tuesday in the Kachin state capital of Myitkyina.  During the two-hour talks, both sides submitted proposals for creating a committee to monitor a cease-fire agreement and to conduct political dialogue.

Top government negotiator U Aung Min said the meeting could help clear the way for a comprehensive cease-fire agreement with all of the country’s armed ethnic rebel groups later this year.

The talks are the first held inside Burma since fighting between the country’s military and the Kachin Independence Army resumed nearly two years ago.  Several rounds of negotiations held in China failed to produce an agreement.

Kachin Army General Guan Maw said the main purpose of the conference is to set the standard for future dialogues between the government and the Kachin people.