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In a rare diplomatic rebuke, U.S. President Barack Obama says he is canceling next month's planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

The White House said Mr. Obama still plans to travel to Russia to attend the Group of 20 economic summit in St. Petersburg. But instead of flying to Moscow afterwards, he intends to head to Sweden.

The Obama administration was angered by Russia's grant of temporary asylum last week to Edward Snowden, the former U.S. intelligence contractor who leaked details of clandestine surveillance programs being conducted by the United States. Mr. Obama had asked Russia to expel Snowden to face U.S. espionage charges, but Mr. Putin rejected the request.

In recent weeks, the U.S. and Russia have also disagreed on other fronts, including creation of a missile defense in Europe, human rights and Russia's shipment of arms to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad supporting his fight against rebels seeking his ouster. The U.S. supports the Syrian rebels.