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International talks on Ukraine have begun in Geneva, where the United States says it will look for any signs Russia is serious about de-escalating tensions.

The talks involve the foreign ministers of Ukraine, Russia, the United States, and the European Union.

In an interview Wednesday with CBS television, President Barack Obama said there will be consequences each time Russia takes steps to destabilize Ukraine and violate its sovereignty. But Mr. Obama said he is convinced Russia is not looking for a war.

Moscow has said it has the right to protect Russian speakers in Ukraine. It accuses the new Ukrainian leadership of being anti-Russian and anti-Semitic and of threatening the rights of pro-Russians.

But senior U.N. human rights official Ivan Simonvic told the Security Council Wednesday that during two trips to Ukraine in March, his team found no widespread attacks against ethnic-Russians.

Moscow calls the U.N. report biased and unfounded.