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Secretary of State John Kerry says the United States is committed to pushing ahead with its new focus on Asia.

Kerry's comments came during a speech Wednesday at the East-West Center in Hawaii, a stop that concluded his eight-day tour of the Pacific.

The top U.S. diplomat said President Barack Obama has asked him to "redouble" his diplomatic efforts in the region.

Kerry said a key to those efforts is expanding cooperation with China, which has expressed concern at the so-called Asia "pivot."

One area of disagreement between China and the U.S. is Beijing's territorial disputes with its neighbors in the East and South China Seas.

During a meeting of Southeast Asian leaders in Myanmar, where Kerry was also present, China rejected a U.S. proposal to reduce tensions related to the disputes.

Kerry on Wednesday reiterated the U.S. takes no position on the disputes, but he said Washington does care about how they are resolved.