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U.S. President Barack Obama has addressed the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO summit, telling business leaders that the United States is entirely committed to Asia.

President Obama arrived in the Chinese capital Monday morning. He is attending the APEC summit over the next three days.

U.S. officials see the meeting as a way to set rules that will prevent conflicts in the region, while making progress on trade, cyberspace and climate issues.

In his speech to the business leaders, Mr. Obama announced a new visa policy with China Monday that will take effect this week:

Barack Obama said: "I'm very pleased to announce that during my visit the United States and China have agreed to implement a new arrangement for visas that will benefit everyone from students, to tourists, to businesses large and small. Under the current arrangement, visas between our two countries last for only one year. Under the new arrangement, student and exchange visas will be extended to five years, business and tourist visas will be extended to ten years." 

The American president also promoted Washington's plans for a 12-nation "Trans-Pacific Partnership."  The plan is controversial because it excludes China and competes with Beijing's plans for an Asia free trade zone.

But, at the same time, Mr. Obama stressed the importance of economic cooperation between the two nations. Barack Obama said:  "If China and the United States can work together, the world benefits and that's something this  audience is acutely interested in. (Applause). We continually have to work to strengthen the bilateral trade and investment between our two nations."

The president is expected to have dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping and other Asia-Pacific leaders and then attend a fireworks show.

The United States is concerned about the continuing trade deficit, cyber issues and Chinese maritime claims in the East and South China seas. President Obama wants to dispel the impression among Chinese leaders that the U.S., through the rebalance of its forces to the Pacific, is trying to contain China.

Mr. Obama will depart Beijing on Wednesday for his second visit to Myanmar, also known as Burma. There, he will attend two East Asian summits before going to Australia for a gathering of the G20.