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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is headed to Washington where he is set to give a controversial address to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress.

The prime minister said Sunday at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport that he is on a "historic mission" to try and stop a nuclear deal with Iran.

The White House is angry that Republican House Speaker John Boehner did not consult with it before extending the invitation to Mr. Netanyahu to speak to the lawmakers. Some Democratic lawmakers plan to boycott the Netanyahu speech on Tuesday.

National Security Adviser Susan Rice has called Mr. Netanyahu's plans "destructive to the fabric of the relationship." She said this past week that the relationship between the U.S. and Israel “has always been bipartisan,” but that it has been hampered by recent partisan moves.

Mr. Netanyahu, who is facing re-election later this month, said Sunday he would do "everything in my power" to insure Israel's future.