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Chinese President Xi Jinping has met with Eric Chu, the visiting head of Taiwan's ruling Nationalist Party, to discuss the continuing development of cross-Taiwan Strait relations. Mr. Xi is also the head of China's Communist Party.

Chu said before the meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Monday that he hopes Taiwan and China will continue to work for peace in the region and cooperate on issues such as environment and economy.

Chu, who is a likely presidential candidate in Taiwan next year, did not mention China's building of air strips and infrastructure in the disputed Spratley Islands, which are also claimed by several of China's neighbors, including Taiwan, the Philippines and Vietnam.

Chu met Sunday with China's Politburo Standing Committee member Yu Zhengsheng in Shanghai. Yu suggested discussions related to Taiwan's role in the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

China wants Taiwan to participate, but not under its name, which would suggest the island is an independent country.