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Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is scheduled to meet in Brussels Wednesday with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande for negotiations on new bailout funds for the debt-ridden country.

Greece has three weeks to come up with enough cash to avoid a default on its obligations to the International Monetary Fund when its international rescue package expires at the end of June.

On Tuesday, Greece offered a new economic reform plan to its international creditors -- the International Monetary fund, the European Central Bank, and Greece's European neighbors.

Details of the new ideas Greece sent to its lenders were not disclosed, but some officials said they focused on revised fiscal targets for Greece's beleaguered government and new ways to generate revenue.

Greece's new radical leftist government is engaged in a standoff with its creditors over implementing ongoing austerity reforms agreed to by earlier Greek governments.

Germany and France are two of the largest single contributors to Greece's bailout package.