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Turkey carried out more airstrikes overnight against Kurdish rebels, the prime minister's office said Wednesday,

while the country's parliament prepared to hold a special session to debate the military's campaign against the fighters and Islamic State militants in Iraq.

The airstrikes targeted six Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK) locations in southeast Turkey and northern Iraq.

The statement also said authorities had detained more than 1,300 people in Turkey in raids against suspected members of the PKK, the Islamic State and other militant groups.

Ahead of the parliament meeting, the leader of the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party Selahattin Demirtas called for an immediate halt to the fighting.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday that Turkey would take "no steps back" in what he called a fight against terrorism.

His comments came the same day that NATO held an emergency session and issued a statement condemning terrorist attacks against Turkey and pledging solidarity with the country.