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South Sudan's President Salva Kiir arrived in Ethiopia Sunday for peace talks aimed at brokering an end to his country's 20-month civil war.

Mr. Kiir's presence in Addis Ababa comes less than two days after he cancelled the planned trip over concerns that rebel factions slated to participate in Monday's talks had split apart and would not present a united front. He later reversed himself, voicing fear that his absence from the talks would be seen as opposition to the peace process.

The makeup of the rebel delegation was not clear late Sunday, less than a week after two rebel generals said they were no longer allied with Mr. Kiir's chief rival, rebel leader Riek Machar.

But Machar, who has been in the city for several days, told VOA he will participate in negotiations with the leaders of Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan at the regional summit. Machar also said both sides are under intense international pressure to sign an accord.