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German police lifted a terrorism alert in the Bavarian city of Munich, hours after evacuating two train stations in the face of a New Year's Eve suicide bomb threat.

Munich police chief Hubertus Andrae told reporters Friday that officials had taken precautions because of a "very concrete" tip that suicide attacks were planned for the city's train stations at midnight, at the height of Munich's New Year's celebrations.

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said a friendly foreign intelligence service had given them word that between five and seven Islamic State militants were planning the attacks.

Munich's main train station and a suburban station in the western borough of Pasing were closed for about four hours, from shortly before midnight until about 3:30 a.m. New Year's Day. The re-opening allowed morning trains to depart on schedule Friday.

Despite the precautions, thousands of people celebrated the evening in the streets of Munich without incident.