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The Paris prosecutor says that the man who drove a truck through crowds celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, killing 84 people, had accomplices and it seemed he had been plotting his attack for months.

Speaking to reporters Thursday in the French capital, Francois Molins said that information from his phone showed searches and photos that suggested he could have been preparing an attack as far back as 2015.

Molins said that five suspects currently in custody are facing preliminary terrorism charges, including complicity to murder and possessing weapons, for their alleged roles in helping the perpetrator to carry the terrorist act on July 14.

He identified the suspects to be four men, two Franco-Tunisians, a Tunisian and an Albanian, and one woman of dual French-Albanian nationality. Intelligence services did not know any of them, according to the French news agency, AFP.

The 31-year-old driver of the truck, Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, was a Tunisian man who had been living in Nice for several years.