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Vote counting has begun in Haiti's repeatedly derailed presidential election. No official results were expected to be issued for at least eight days.

Six million Haitians were eligible to vote for one of 27 presidential candidates, as well as for members of both houses of parliament.

Haitians are hoping the new national leader will end a year of uncertainty and struggles, while uniting the nation and creating jobs. Many Haitians still suffer from a 2010 earthquake and its most recent serious storm, Hurricane Matthew.

There is no clear-cut leader among the 27 candidates for president.

A presidential election was held in October 2015, but the results were scrapped because of fraud.

More than 13,000 police officers and United Nations peacekeeper troops are on the streets to safeguard voting centers.

But with so many candidates for president, no one is likely to gain an absolute majority of the vote. The top two finishers Sunday will face off January 29.