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The United Nations said Tuesday it has received reports of pro-government forces in Syria killing at least 82 civilians in four different neighborhoods in the city of Aleppo, where the recapture of the last areas held by rebels is "imminent."

U.N. rights spokesman Rupert Colville told reporters in Geneva it is difficult to verify reports, and that it was not clear when exactly the killings were to have taken place.

"We hope profoundly that these reports are wrong or exaggerated," he said.

Colville called for the U.N. or another organization such as the International Committee of the Red Cross to be allowed to monitor the situation in Aleppo in order to alleviate concerns about potential rights abuses.

The ICRC also warned Tuesday that thousands of civilians in eastern Aleppo "have literally nowhere safe to run" and urged those involved in fighting there to protect them.

The group said in a statement that time is running out to find a humanitarian solution, and that it is ready to help put in place any agreement that puts civilians first.