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U.S.-President-elect Donald Trump acknowledged Wednesday that Russia meddled in the November election, but said that if Russian President Vladimir Putin likes him, he considers that "an asset, not a liability."

In his first news conference in nearly six months, Trump said in New York that even if Putin supported his candidacy over that of Democrat Hillary Clinton he will be tougher in dealing with the Russian leader on the world stage than she would have been.

He denied having any financial interest in Russia.

Asked about election-related computer hacking which U.S. intelligence officials believe to have been authorized by Putin, Trump said, "He shouldn't have done it."

While acknowledging Russia's role in that hacking, the president-elect denounced news reports published Tuesday about a dossier containing allegations that Russia compiled tawdry personal information to compromise him, and that his campaign officials colluded with Russian intelligence.

Standing in front of 10 U.S. flags and facing 250 journalists, Trump also released plans to separate himself from his sprawling business empire so as to avoid a conflict of interest once in office.