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Britain's embattled Prime Minister Theresa May has unveiled her new Cabinet, aimed at focusing on social issues and "delivering a successful Brexit."

May on Sunday said the new line-up brought in "talent from across the whole of the Conservative Party."

She made Damian Green, former work and pensions secretary, her deputy by naming him first secretary of state.

Treasury chief secretary David Gauke moves in to take Green's place, while the leader of the House of Commons, David Lidington, becomes justice secretary.

A surprise appointment came with the naming of Michael Gove as environment and agriculture minister, less than a year after he was removed from the Cabinet by May.

Boris Johnson stays on as foreign minister, alongside fellow eurosceptic David Davis as Brexit minister.

May's replacement last year as interior minister, Amber Rudd, keeps her post, as does Defense Minister Michael Fallon.

The prime minister shrugged off suggestions that her days in Downing Street are numbered.