栏目广告位一 |
英国:大龄女性剧增 One us three women is still single at the age of 35
One in three women in UK is unmarried at 35One in three women in UK is unmarried at 35, official figures show. In 2000, only a quarter were not married. And in 1990, just one in ten was in this positi
双语新闻2007-04-11 -
买房族的喜与悲 Most home buyers unhappy
Most home buyers unhappy with their housesBuying a house for most of the people is a once in a lifetime decision, which means people decide to do so only after coming across the ideal house. Surprisin
双语新闻2007-04-10 -
离婚了 婚戒怎么办?Dead marriage? How about a wedding ring coffin?
This handout picture courtesy of Jist Enterprises,LLC (JE,LLC) shows the miniature coffin for unwanted wedding rings that a New York divorcee developed as a solution for failed marriages.(AFP)Talk abo
双语新闻2007-04-10 -
调查:美国人心目中的下任总统形象Americans want strong leader, fidelity less an issue: poll
Hillary,Obama and EdwardMost Americans want their next president to be strong, decisive and of good moral character, but fewer seem to care if he or she has been unfaithful to their spouse, or even tr
双语新闻2007-04-09 -
英水兵回国 与家人温馨团聚
Tearful homecoming for Britons freed by Iran A video grab of released British serviceman Operator Maintainer Andrew Henderson kissing an unidentified woman at Royal Marines Base Chivenor in Devon, 200
双语新闻2007-04-08 -
招行信用卡最受宠 Rating of credit cards
Which credit card do you find the best? Which credit card do you find the best, as a woman? As a sports lover, which credit card serves you best? Questions like these threw up the first credit cards r
双语新闻2007-04-07 -
调查:超过一半的英国人不信任伴侣More than 50% don't trust love partners
Are you one of the "spies"? A British survey has revealed a nation of spies, rifling through their partners' text messages, tapping phone conversations, tailing loved ones with webcams and
双语新闻2007-04-06 -
瑞典夫妇:女儿起名“重金属” Couple fights to name baby 'Metallica'
Metallica may work as a name for a heavy metal band, but a Swedish couple is struggling to convince authorities it's also suitable for a baby girl. Sweden's tax agency rejected Michael and Karolina
双语新闻2007-04-06 -
“爱”——英国人最喜爱的词语 Britain's favourite word is love, actually
Love is the most favourate word in Britain.Britain's three favourite words are love, serendipity and family, according to a charity effort to build a "wall of words". Telecommunications gia
双语新闻2007-04-05 -
英国:产假延长 企业叫苦不迭 Maternity leave shake-up is a £2bn headache say businesses
Businesses in UK claim reforms of maternity leave which came into force yesterday will saddle them with a £2billion bill. The period of paid leave to which new mothers are entitled has been extended
双语新闻2007-04-04 -
你对自己的外形满意吗?……Stick-thin models make women of all sizes feel bad about their bodies
South Beach Maxim girls pose at a Maxim Magazine partyIf you thought that only women on the heavier side felt bad about their bodies after being bombarded with images of stick thin models, well then y
双语新闻2007-04-03 -
媒体愚人节“十大经典恶作剧” Ten of the best April Fool's Day hoaxes: US museum
From television revealing that spaghetti grows on trees to advertisements for the left-handed burger, the tradition of April Fool's Day stories in the media has a weird and wonderful history. Here ar
双语新闻2007-04-02 -
For the Love of Chocolate! Most people know that chocolate is made from cocoa and that the origins of chocolate can be traced back to Central and South America. For centuries, the natives there regard
双语新闻2007-04-01 -
In China, eating out is now definitely in Dine out today? Great food is like great *: The more you have, the more you want. It's a saying that certainly applies to the Chinese, at least in the culina
双语新闻2007-03-31 -
比萨大翻身 被冠“健康食品”美名
比萨大翻身 被冠“健康食品”美名
双语新闻2007-03-31 -
Foreign languages drive for Olympic Games Makeup is getting a make-under for spring. Olympic volunteer hopefuls from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan stand a better chance if they are bilingual. Priority w
双语新闻2007-03-30 -
英国人迷恋异国恋Britons fall for allure of long-distance love
英国人迷恋异国恋Britons fall for allure of long-distance love
双语新闻2007-03-30 -
英登陆北美四百年 女王伊丽莎白将访美Queen Elizabeth sets date for Va. visit
英登陆北美四百年 女王伊丽莎白将访美Queen Elizabeth sets date for Va. visit
双语新闻2007-03-28 -
三分之一美国家庭怕交网费拒绝上网Many Americans see little point to Web?
三分之一美国家庭怕交网费拒绝上网Many Americans see little point to Web?
双语新闻2007-03-28 -
环保的《哈利·波特7》Harry Potter is working his magic on the publishing industry.
环保的《哈利·波特7》Harry Potter is working his magic on the publishing industry.
双语新闻2007-03-28 -
性感拉丁小天后夏奇拉印度开唱Pop star Shakira arrives in India for first-ever concert
性感拉丁小天后夏奇拉印度开唱Pop star Shakira arrives in India for first-ever concert
双语新闻2007-03-28 -
日本警方抓获连环“内衣大盗”(图)Serial lingerie thief arrested
日本警方抓获连环“内衣大盗”(图)Serial lingerie thief arrested
双语新闻2007-03-24 -
塞浦路斯发现世上最古老香水 历经4000年香味犹存(图)Eau de BC: the oldest perfume in the world
塞浦路斯发现世上最古老香水 历经4000年香味犹存(图)Eau de BC: the oldest perfume in the world
双语新闻2007-03-24 -
Wiki登大雅之堂 进入牛津英语大词典“Wiki“ wins place in dictionary
Wiki登大雅之堂 进入牛津英语大词典“Wiki“ wins place in dictionary
双语新闻2007-03-24 -
希伯伦一博物馆将展出4脚鸡(图)Hebron museum to preserve four-legged chicken
希伯伦一博物馆将展出4脚鸡(图)Hebron museum to preserve four-legged chicken
栏目广告位二 |