12. Both sides welcomed the recently achieved negotiated solutions in major trade remedy cases. Both sides recognised the importance of a responsible resolution of trade disputes.
13. The EU strongly supports China’s swift participation in the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) negotiation. The EU and China consider the participation of China in the negotiation as an important stepping stone towards the future multilateralisation of TiSA. Both sides will step up their efforts, together with other parties, to work towards the conclusion of the negotiations on the review of the Information Technology Agreement.
14. In view of the great potential to improve their transport relations, both sides decided to develop synergies between EU policies and China’s “Silk Road Economic Belt” initiative and jointly to explore common initiatives along these lines.
15. Given the importance both sides attach to the rule of law, they decided, based on the principle of equality and mutual respect, to continue to develop dialogue and cooperation on legal and administrative affairs.
16. The two sides expressed their readiness to learn from each other’s reform processes. Both sides are committed to exchanging experience in such key areas as urbanisation, enhanced cooperation on the environment, regional development, urban-rural integration, governance systems and governance capacity building. They reaffirmed the importance of the EU-China urbanization partnership as a key instrument to promote sustainable development. They looked forward to it being translated into concrete projects on the ground.
17. Both sides also reiterated their commitment to closer cooperation on global governance. The EU and China expressed their readiness to further strengthen EU-China dialogue on major international development issues, as well as their respective development policies, including efforts to formulate and implement the post-2015 development agenda and sustainable development goals.
18. Both sides recognised the need to strengthen cooperation on climate change in preparing a protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed outcome with legal force under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change applicable to all Parties to be adopted in 2015 at the Conference of Parties to the Convention (COP21) in Paris. They underlined their commitment to making significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions through credible and verifiable domestic action. Both sides agreed on the importance of all parties presenting their contributions well in advance of the Paris meeting. The EU and China will cooperate on taking domestic action to avoid or reduce the consumption of HFCs and to work together to promote a global phase-down of these substances.
19. Both sides recognised the special importance of strengthening culture, education and youth exchanges between the EU and China. They decided to hold the next round of the High Level People-to-People Dialogue in May 2014. They agreed to enhance cooperation on mobility and migration issues. They supported the development of EU-China cooperation on sustainable tourism.
20. The two sides renewed their pledge to work for further progress in EU-China relations over the next decade to the benefit of the people of the EU and China and in the interest of world peace and prosperity.
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