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第十三章中麦金塔电脑的发展过程中遇到了两个竞争对手:IBM在1981年推出的个人电脑和苹果自家生产的Lisa。乔布斯的Mac团队一致认为IBM是糟糕的产品(it sucked)。苹果公司表现出了狂妄的自信,甚至在《华尔登日报》刊登整版广告,迎接和挑衅意味浓重(wiht the headline “Welcome, IBM. Seriously”)。乔布斯本人对Mac电脑的细节表现出了绝对的控制欲(end-to-end control)。1983年Lisa电脑问世(比Mac 早整整一年),作为公司形象代言人的乔布斯前往纽约为Lisa宣传,但是他在接受各种访问时反复提到比Lisa更廉价更大众的Mac项目,如此无疑是给Lisa送上了死亡之吻(launching the Lisa with the kiss of death)。和IBM的竞争战对于乔布斯来说到底有多重要?


Throughout his career, Jobs liked to see himself as an enlightened rebel pitted against evil empires, a Jedi warrior or Buddhist samurai fighting the forces of darkness. IBM was his perfect foil. He cleverly cast the upcoming battle not as a mere business competition, but as a spiritual struggle. “If, for some reason, we make some giant mistakes and IBM wins, my personal feeling is that we are going to enter sort of a computer Dark Ages for about twenty years,” he told an interviewer. “Once IBM gains control of a market sector, they almost always stop innovation.” Even thirty years later, reflecting back on the competition, Jobs cast it as a holy crusade: “IBM was essentially Microsoft at its worst. They were not a force for innovation; they were a force for evil. They were like ATT or Microsoft or Google is.”(Chapter 13 Building the Mac: Competition)


在乔布斯的整个职业生涯中,他把自己看作是开明进步的反叛者,以一己之力对抗邪恶帝国,一名与黑暗势力作斗争的绝地武士或是佛教武士。IBM之于乔布斯,简直是完美的陪衬。这场即将到来的战争对于乔布斯来说,不仅仅是一场商业竞争,还是精神的较量。“如果因为某些原因,我们犯下弥天大错而IBM赢了,那在我的内心里,我就觉得计算机行业将要进入长达20多年的黑暗时代。” 乔布斯在一次采访中这样表示。“一旦IBM控制了某个市场领域,他们总是会停止创新。” 即使是在30年后的如今,回想起当年的竞争,乔布斯还是把它定义为一场改革圣战:“IBM本质上就是最糟糕的微软公司,他们根本不是创新的力量;他们是邪恶的力量。IBM就像ATT(美国电话电报公司)、微软和谷歌一样。”


1. cast...as...:把...看作、视为... 由于cast还有演员阵容的意思,所以cast as还可以表示扮演(角色),塑造(形象)等。cast 还表示投射、计算、浇铸等意思。一些比较常用的短语用法:

cast  a vote 投票

cast doubt on 对...产生怀疑

cast aside as worthless 视如敝履 (cast aside:抛弃,废除)

But if there is no progress, then Mr Obama will be cast as starry-eyed and weak. 但是如果毫无进展,人们就会认为奥巴马总统太过于乐观并且软弱无能。

Google cast its mobile-phone design as an experiment. Shareholders should hope it ends there. 谷歌将此次手机设计当作是一次试探,而股东应当希望谷歌就此罢手。

As soon as he became rich he cast aside all his old friends who gave him some help. 他一富起来就抛弃了所有曾经给过他帮助的老朋友。

2. reflect back:回想回顾,真实反映,衬托。reflect比较常用的意思:反射,反映,深思反省。reflect on/upon 仔细考虑

The election results do not always reflect back the views of voters. 选举的结果并不总是真实地反映出选民的观点。

Another useful method for improving your reading is the ability to reflect on what is being presented. 另外一种改善阅读的有效方法就是思考呈现在你面前的材料。

3. 绝地武士、黑暗时代和十字军东征:

绝地武士:Jedi warrior(Jedi Knight)美国著名导演乔治·卢卡斯拍摄的科幻系列电影《星球大战》(Star Wars)中的虚幻角色,拥有一种超自然的感应力量被称为原力(the Force),主要武器是光剑(lightsaber)。 绝地武士的使命是保卫和维护共和国和宇宙的安定。

黑暗时代:Dark Ages 指的是中世纪早期的西欧历史。随着罗马帝国的衰落(following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire),大部份的罗马文明遭到破坏,西欧进入一个所谓的黑暗时代。

十字军东征:The Crusades 指的是1096到1291年西欧的封建领主和骑士对地中海东岸伊斯兰教国家发动的一系列宗教性战争(a series of religious wars)。东征期间东征期间,罗马天主教会授予每一个战士十字架,组成的军队称为十字军。作为侵略战争的十字军东征也为西方的文艺复兴运动开辟了道路。