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Looking to a Bright and Prosperous Future for Anglo-Chinese Relations

--Article for the Daily Telegraph by H.E. Ambassador LIU Xiaoming

June 28, 2013


Last weekend China and Britain signed a currency swap line with an upper value of £21 billion. This agreement marks great progress in Anglo-Chinese financial cooperation; its significance should not be underestimated. It is the first currency swap agreement ever signed between China and a major developed country. It is also a big step forward in London becoming a centre of offshore RMB business.

This follows a recent wave of private sector deals between China and Britain. Not long ago I witnessed the signing of China’s ABP project worth £1 billion to develop the area just south of London City Airport in the Royal Albert Docks into a modern business park.

Then there are the investments announced last week by China’s Wanda Group. One involves a £700 million deal to build a five-star hotel by the River Thames; the other is to buy a 92% share of yacht maker Sunseeker for £320 million. This is positive news and provides hard evidence of the considerable advantages that the UK enjoys in business and economic links with China.

An open market is a primary reason why China sees Britain as an important partner for collaboration; not every country is so warm toward Chinese investments. Some countries have turned a cold shoulder to investment from China either for reasons of protectionism or out of political considerations.

But good news about Anglo-Chinese relations is not limited to business and economics. Earlier this month, the British Council launched Generation UK, an ambitious project with the aim of sending more than 15,000 young Britons to China in the coming three years to study at universities there or work as interns in Chinese companies. I am looking forward to the arrival of China’s Shanghai Ballet Troupe in August; they are staging a production adapted from Charlotte Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre.

The list could go on because China and Britain have an immense amount to offer each other in culture, education, tourism, business and economics.

Of course, we also have differences and have been through some less pleasant experiences. China and Britain differ in history, culture, social system and values; we are at different stages of development so it is natural that we have different views on some issues.