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CNBC: Many investors believe that China’s growth rate this year could be slower and lower than the official rate of 7.5%. What is the slowest rate of growth you would find acceptable without stimulating the economy?

Li Keqiang: As I said before, I am aware of those pessimistic reports about the Chinese economy. Last year, without taking additional short-term stimulus measures, we succeeded in meeting the economic target. Why can’t we do it this year? There is no denying that we may encounter a more complex situation this year. We have set this year’s GDP growth target at around 7.5%. What we have on our mind is to ensure employment, improve people’s lives and increase urban and rural incomes. What we care more about is the livelihood of our people behind a GDP figure and employment behind GDP growth. On 23 February, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Governors Meeting issued a communiqué. It said that the G20 will work to raise its collective GDP by 2% within five years based on the current trajectory in order to add jobs. As far as I recall, this is the first time the G20 set such a target. That shows all major economies value the role of growth in generating jobs.[李克强]我刚才讲了,一些关于中国经济偏悲观的报道我看到了,而且也注意了。我们在去年并没有采取短期刺激政策的情况下能够实现经济预期目标,为什么今年不可以呢?当然,我不否认今年可能会有更复杂的因素,我们之所以把经济增长率定在7.5%左右,考虑的还是保就业、惠民生,增加城乡居民收入。我们更注重的是数字背后的民生、增长背后的就业。这使我想到上个月23号,G20,也就是20国集团的财长和央行行长会议发布了一个公报,提出要在原有政策可达到的水平上,把GDP在5年内再提高2个百分点,以增加就业。在我的印象当中,G20这么说可能还是第一次,这表明主要经济体更加看重增长和就业的关系。

Without a job, there is no source of income and it will be difficult to increase social wealth. I once visited some zero-employment families. When none of the family members has a job, the entire family is listless and hopeless. Each year we need to add over 10 million urban jobs and leave room for about six to seven million rural migrant workers to come to get employed in cities. Therefore we need appropriate GDP growth. We set the GDP growth target for this year at about 7.5%. This “about” means that there is a level of flexibility here. You asked me what is the lowest GDP growth that we can live with. This GDP growth needs to ensure fairly full employment and realize reasonable increase of people’s income. We are not preoccupied with GDP growth. The GDP growth we want is one that brings real benefits to our people, helps raise the quality and efficiency of economic development and contributes to energy conservation and environmental protection.没有就业就没有收入,也难以增加社会财富。我在基层曾经访问过一些“零就业”家庭,一个家庭没有一个人就业,真是毫无生气,没有希望。现在我们全国每年要新增城镇劳动力就业1000万人以上,还要给六七百万新增的农村劳动力进城务工留有一定的空间,所以要有合理的GDP增速。当然,我们既然说GDP增长的预期目标是7.5%左右。左右嘛,就是有弹性的,高一点,低一点,我们是有容忍度的。至于你说可以接受的下限是什么,那就是这个GDP必须保证比较充分的就业,使居民收入有增长。我们不片面追求GDP,但是我们还是需要贴近老百姓的GDP,提高质量效益、节能环保的GDP。谢谢。

Hong Kong Commercial Daily: As neighboring countries and regions grow fast, many people in Hong Kong feel that the Hong Kong’s competitive edge is declining. How do you see the future prospects of Hong Kong’s development?

Li Keqiang: There has been much volatility in the global economy in recent years. Under such grave and complex conditions, Hong Kong has stood firm and maintained prosperity. I believe this shows Hong Kong has kept its competitive edge. Hong Kong has made important contributions to the reform, opening up and modernization drive on the mainland. The comprehensive deepening of reform and economic upgrading of China will also open up broad space for Hong Kong’s development. The central government’s policy towards Hong Kong and Macao is consistent and clear-cut. The central government will continue to support Hong Kong in maintaining and elevating its status as an international financial, trading and shipping center. The mainland is opening up its service sector, and Hong Kong has a leading edge in this field. “A pavilion close to the pond will get the moonlight first.” With Hong Kong people’s enterprising spirit, I have confidence that Hong Kong will keep its competitive edge and maintain prosperity amidst future global competition.[李克强]这几年,世界经济可以说是跌宕起伏,在这种严峻复杂的环境下,香港能够站住脚跟,保持繁荣,本身就表明香港经济有竞争力。香港在祖国内地改革开放和现代化建设中,作出了重要贡献,我们现在全面深化改革,促进经济升级,也给香港发展带来更大的空间。中央对港澳的政策是一贯的、明确的,中央政府也会继续支持香港,保持并且提升国际金融贸易航运中心的地位。内地在进一步扩大开放服务业,香港在这方面是有专业优势的,近水楼台可以先得月,我相信香港同胞历来是有着敢拼能赢的精神,会在未来全球竞争中保持竞争优势,保持繁荣。谢谢。

Associated Press: Mr. Premier, how do you comment on the current state of China-US relationship? In order to further raise the level of China-US ties, what do you think are the obstacles in the way and what change does China wish to see on the part of the United States?

Li Keqiang: The China-US relationship, in essence, is a relationship between the largest developing country and largest developed country in the world. Last year, President Xi Jinping and President Obama had a meeting in California and reached the important consensus of building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States. This relationship has the defining feature of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation. China and the United States are different in history, culture and stage of development. So it’s only natural that these two countries have some differences and there are also some frictions in their cooperation. But these are pains amidst growing cooperation. As long as the two sides respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, properly manage differences and engage in equal consultations, in particular, continue to expand their converging interests, they can further raise the level of this relationship. China and the United States are different in history, culture and stage of development. So it’s only natural that these two countries have some differences and there are also some frictions in their cooperation. But these are pains amidst growing cooperation. As long as the two sides respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, properly manage differences and engage in equal consultations, in particular, continue to expand their converging interests, they can further raise the level of this relationship.[李克强]中美关系实质上是世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家之间的关系。去年习近平主席和奥巴马总统在加州庄园会晤达成构建新型大国关系的重要共识,那就是互不冲突、互利共赢。当然,中美因为历史文化背景不同,发展阶段不同,对一些问题存在分歧,这是客观的,在合作当中有摩擦也是事实,但这是合作中的“烦恼”。我们只要相互尊重,尊重对方的核心利益和重大关切,管控好分歧,平等磋商,尤其是注意扩大中美的共同利益,就可以提升中美关系的水平。中美的共同利益可以说是远远大于分歧,去年我们双边贸易额达到5200多亿美元,粗略算的话,每一个工作小时,中美之间可能有1亿美元的生意已经做成了。何况我们现在还正在进行中美投资协定的谈判,中美合作的潜力巨大,要在增强互补性上多做文章。所谓智者求同,愚者求异,变是向有利于中美双方、有利于两国关系稳定的方向去走,还是要择宽处行,谋长久之利。谢谢。