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31  cultivate
cultivate  sb.  结识某人
He always tried to cultivate famous people
32  custom
custom  n 海关,关税
33  damages
damages 赔偿金(复数)=compensation
34  deposit
deposit 押金 定金
eft a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.
35  desert
desert vt抛弃,沙漠  deserter 叛离者,逃兵,
She was deserted by her husband.
36  dictate
dictate n. 指示(指理智,变心) 指导原则A guiding principle
followed the dictates of my conscience.
37  digest
digest 忍受To endure or bear patiently.
I can't digest her endless complaint noise a moment longer.
38  discipline
discipline 学科,纪律
The new recruits were drawn from a range of academic disciplines.
39  element
the elements   天气(一定是复数形式)
The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it.
40  embarrass
embarrass   阻碍(embar  v.囚禁, 阻遏)To hinder with obstacles or difficulties; impede.
What embarrasses your making an early start?
41  even
even   n. adj  偶数 (奇数odd)
42  exclusive
exclusive n.独家新闻,专卖店里的商品,adj.排他的,唯一的
A news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster.
An exclusive right or privilege, as to market a product.
We feature an exclusive on the mothers whose babies were swapped at birth.
43  express
express  adj. 急速的,快捷的
44  fare
fare   v 生活=live   n费用
Panda cub fares well!
45  fitting
fitting    n.配件     adi.适宜的
46  fumble
fumble    v  摸索(grope fro)   v  失球 To mishandle (a ground ball).
fumble for a key.  摸索着找钥匙
A ball that has been fumbled.
47  gravity
gravity    n.重大的后果;严重或重大
They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems.
48  ground
ground 根据,论据(常用复数)
Often grounds The foundation for an argument, a belief, or an action; a basis.
常作 grounds 根据:争论,信仰或行动的基础;依据
Often grounds The underlying condition prompting an action; a cause:
常作 grounds 理由,原因:促使采取行动的根本条件;原由:
grounds for suspicion; a ground for divorce. See Synonyms at base 1
怀疑的原因;离婚的理由参见 base1  49  harbor
harbor (harbour海港的变体) 窝藏To give shelter to
harbor refugees; harbor a fugitive. 收留难民;窝藏逃犯
50  husband
husband 节省(economize),节俭,保存,管理
husband one's energy. 保存体力
to husband one's resources  节约使用资金