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Asiaranks first both in area and in population among the seven continents. Europe is second to Asia in population, but in area it is the last but one.

We all hope that a country’s population should be in proportion to its area. Unfortunately, the reality often goes against our will.

And in August as many as 39 car accidents were recorded, indicating an increase of about 79 percent as compared with the number of January.

A is by far the largest university, being over three times as big as B.


3 times as large as                           比……大两倍(是……的3倍)

3 times the size (volume, etc.) of       是……3倍大(比……大两倍)

17 times that of                               是……的17倍(比……多16倍)

17 times over that of (for)                是……的17倍 (比……多16倍)

17 times greater                              增加了16倍 (是……的17倍)

3 times as against                           为……的3倍

twice/thrice as much as                    是……的2/3倍


Between 1999 and 2002, the industrial output value of our city was up 8-fold.(在1999年到2002年这段时间,我市的工业总产值增长了7倍/为原来的8倍。)

此外,表达整数倍数的还有:double(两倍、翻一番)、more than doubled(超过两倍)、treble/triple(增至三倍、使增加两倍)、quadruple(翻两番)。


16.5% higher than(比……高出16.5%)

18% above that of the same period last year(比去年同期增加18%)

24% less (fewer) than(比……少了24%)

up 5.6 times(增加5.6倍)

go up by 23% (增长了23%)

reduce by 18% (减少了18%)

reduce to less (fewer) than (减少了不到……)

rise by 5.2% compared with the same period of last year(与去年同期相比上升5.2%)

register a 37% increase (decrease) (增长/减少37%)

increase by 54% over (on, above, as against) the last year(比去年增长了54%)