每天口语 英语口语
carry coals to Newcastle
1. 解词释义
carry coals to Newcastle字面上看是“运煤倒纽卡斯尔”,实际它指的是“徒劳无益;多此一举”。
纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)是英国的一个港市,位于英格兰北部泰因(Tyne)河口附近,素以产煤著称,早在1932年就获得了英国国王亨利三世授予的挖煤特许权,是世界上最早的煤炭输出港。因此,向纽卡斯尔运煤,无异于白费力气。由此产生的习语carry coals to Newcastle就用来比喻do something which is completely unnecessary (做完全不必要做的事)。
2. 拓展范例
e.g. Tom is so infirm of purpose that you carry coals to Newcastle, asking him for advice.
e.g. American managers tried to persuade their British employees to drop their tea-break habit but in the end they found that they had carried coals to Newcastle.
e.g. You’re really carrying coals to Newcastle. She has many a diamond rings.
e.g. You tried to pull the wool over my eyes, which was that you carried coals to Newcastle. I knew exactly what was going on.