栏目广告位一 |
每日一译 英语翻译
约翰对古典音乐有丰富的知识。(汉译英)His writings were reminiscent of ancient classical writers.(英译汉)点击下一页查看答案John is very knowledgeable about classical music.
约翰 -
每日一译 英语翻译
Kindness always begets kindness.善有善报。
每天英语2018-03-07 -
每天谚语 英语谚语
Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.仁爱是联结社会的金链。
每天英语2018-03-07 -
每天名言 英语名言
Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.
美,可以从一个人的眼神中看到,但更重要的,它来自于内心。 -
每天口语 英语口语
A: That guy betrayed me. I hate him very much. It’s not enough to just let him go bankrupt.那个家伙背叛了我。我非常憎恨他,仅仅让他破产是不够的。B: Enough, Terry. ___________
每天英语2018-03-06 -
每日一句 英语句子
True love is not the temporary likeness, and I know it's the feeling—meeting you is hard and it will be a pity if I miss you.
真正的爱情不是一时好感,而是我知道遇到你不容易 -
每日一译 英语翻译
那牛仔买了一顶下侧有饰扣的帽子。(汉译英)He gave my hand a warm clasp.(英译汉)点击下一页查看答案The cowboy bought a hat with a decorative clasp on the downside .
那牛仔买了一顶 -
每日一译 英语翻译
Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the dumb understand.善良为语言,聋子能听见哑巴懂心间。
每天英语2018-03-06 -
每天谚语 英语谚语
Kindness is the sunshine of social life.仁慈是社会生活中的阳光。
每天英语2018-03-06 -
每天名言 英语名言
You aspire to do great things? Begin with little ones.
想成就大事,就要从小事开始。(Augustine of Hippo) -
每天口语 英语口语
A: Jane, what do you really want to say? ________________.Jane,你到底想说什么?别拐弯抹角了。B: Well, frankly speaking, I want to borrow some money from you.嗯,坦率地说,我想找你
每天英语2018-03-05 -
每日一句 英语句子
Don't be afraid of the darkness. Don't be afraid to chase your dreams. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Follow your own path.
不要害怕黑暗,不要害怕追寻自己的梦想,不要害怕做与 -
每日一译 英语翻译
举个例子将有助于澄清我的意思。(汉译英)It requires of us great efforts to clarify sewage in cities.(英译汉)点击下一页查看答案An example will help to clarify what I mean.
举个例 -
每日一译 英语翻译
Kindness will creep where it may not go.仁慈可进入任何禁地。
每天英语2018-03-05 -
经典语录 中英翻译
Kind words are the music of the world.善言是世上的音乐。
每天英语2018-03-05 -
每天名言 英语名言
How much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow.
一个认为自己的故乡便是整个世界的人要比 -
每天口语 英语口语
A: This job is high-paying. Why do you want to quit?这份工作待遇丰厚,你为什么要辞职?B: I cannot bear it any more. _____________________.我再也受不了了。周末要工作是很糟糕的事情。
每天英语2018-03-01 -
每日一句 英语句子
Some things are not to see to insist, but insisted the will sees hope.
有些事情不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才会看到希望。 -
每日一译 英语翻译
我被一声可怕的雷声惊醒。(汉译英)The lightning was followed by a fearful clap of thunder.(英译汉)点击下一页查看答案I was awakened by a frightful clap of thunder.
我被一声可怕的 -
经典语录 中英翻译
Kind words are worth much and cost little.口头方便不费力。
每天英语2018-03-01 -
每天谚语 英语谚语
Kind words butter no parsnips.画饼充饥。
每天英语2018-03-01 -
每天名言 英语名言
Never reject an idea, dream or goal because it will be hard work. Success rarely comes without it.
绝不要因为怕辛苦而拒绝一个想法、梦想或是目标,成功的路上难免伴随辛苦。(Bob Pro -
每天口语 英语口语
A: Why did you quit your job? Was is tiresome.你为何要辞掉你的工作呢?这份工作很累吗?B: It’s really a good job. But________________.其实这是份不错的工作,但是我实在无法忍受每
每天英语2018-02-28 -
每日一句 英语句子
Fading is true while flowering is past.
凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。 -
每日一译 英语翻译
索赔的有效期多长。(汉译英)I must vindicate a claim to philosophical reflectiveness.(英译汉)点击下一页查看答案What's the deadline for claim?
索赔的有效期多长?I must vindicate
栏目广告位二 |