Olympic Symbol (Symbole Olympique)
Olympic Symbol The five Olympic rings used alone, in one or in several colours. The emblem of five interlocking rings that represents the Olympic Movement and the Olympic Games, which is the trademarked property of the IOC. The official design as deposited at the IOC headquarters. The Olympic symbol represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games. All rights to the Olympic symbol belong exclusively to the IOC. (see Olympic Charter Rule 12) Category: Generic Symbole Olympique Les cinq anneaux entrelac茅s olympiques, employ茅s seuls, en une ou cinq couleurs, repr茅sentent le Mouvement olympique et les Jeux Olympiques. Le symbole olympique repr茅sente l'union des cinq continents et la rencontre des athl猫tes du monde entier aux Jeux Olympiques. Tous les droits relatifs au symbole olympique appartiennent exclusivement aux CIO. (Voir R猫gle 12 de la Charte Olympique) Cat茅gorie : G茅n茅rique